Monday, August 23, 2010

Lecture reviews 4 & 5 :)

Lecture review 4 - Big screen to small

This week we again talked history, this time something alot more interesting for me. 'The History of Film'. Its incredible to think that the cinema was born in 1895 yet we didnt get television in Australia til the 1950's. I found it really interesting that good old 'Snow white' was the first animated feature film.. and the fact that it grossed 8 million dollars way back in the 1930's is absolutely unbelievable! That sort of money in those days is totally & utterly unheard of.

We also looked at the impact that the internet is having on film makers. It is quite to the detriment of the Film Industry that anyone can post a dodgy film on YouTube these days and call themselves a film maker. The fact that YouTube managed a whopping 100 million views daily in its first year exemplifies just how much impact the internet is having on video & film.

Source: Lecture material
Image: Google images

Lecture Review 5 - Consumption and production
This lecture really made us stop and think about the how much the way in which we consume content. I looked at the way I consume media and how much it has changed in say the past 5 years or even 1 year.

5 years ago - My mobile phone would have sent text messages and had a basic camera. I would have only consumed the internet at work on the computer there, no home internet access, only myspace for social networking & that was very limited use. I would have never have watched a video or streamed radio online.

Today - I have an Apple Iphone which is linked to my facebook which updates me about 5 times a day, sometimes more if I check it. Same for both my Griffith Gmail and hotmail accounts. I have wireless internet on my small laptop which I take with me to uni and am on most nights. I am constantly on Youtube and my friends have started getting me into downloading videos off the net.. True Blood has me hooked.

What a massive difference! Im no computer addict.. or am I? The internet and computers are infiltrating our lives and we don't even realise its happening!

Source: Lecture material


Think anit-consumerism, social activism, transforming mass media to poke fun at itself, parodiesm think facebook groups against big companies..

Check out


Culture jamming is the art of hijacking the mainstream media, corporate advertisers, and the public domain to get across a message against one-way communication. Basically, culture jamming is sabotage of corporate or public property for political purposes. (

A masters thesis on culture jamming, worth a read:
Sven Woodside (2001) Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, Final M.A. Thesis

ABC Link - How to make trouble and influence people:


12,597,870 views on Youtube!

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